John: *while john's not ready to escape just yet, this clown guy is definitely an affront to the senses.
John: *the big guy is kind of pungent with an earthy herbal smell that john isn't familiar with, and makes his nose scrunch; and while john's hardly a man of class and refinement, the cussing is a bit much - he hardly knows this guy.*
John: *he decides to play it cool though.*
John: oh uh... it's going ok i guess.
John: *he takes a second to back up so the two of them aren't inside each others' personal space bubbles, and takes a second to size the huge clown up.*
John: wow... are you the guy who planted this note card on me?
John: *slowly, john feels less offended and more impressed as he thinks about that. his face softens a little, and his eyebrows go up*
John: you're a big guy, how'd you manage to sneak by me like that? i don't think i even saw you when i was here the other day.
Gamzee: A nInJa GoTs To Be KeEpIn HiS oWn SeCrEtS lIl BrOtHeR. :o)
Gamzee: SpIlL tOo MuCh AnD tHe MiRaClEs AlL jUsT rUnS oUt OnTo ThE fLoOr, Ya DiG?
John: oh... i think i got it.
John: *john taps the side of his nose, still a little wary of the clown, but doing his best to find some common ground.*
John: so... you're saying secret clown stuff you can't tell me. kind of like how a good magician never reveals his secret, right?
Gamzee: ShIt YeAh, I tHiNk I kNoW wHaT yOu'Re GeTtIn Up At, AnD tHaT nOiSe Is ExAcTlY tHe SoUnD i'M mAkIn'.
Gamzee: PrEtTy QuIcK oN tHe UpTaKe, My DuDe.
Gamzee: AnYwAy, YoU pRoBaBlY wAs NoT cOmIn' HeRe, ExPeCtInG aLl To TrAdE iN tHe SeCrEtS oF pErFoRmAnCe, BuT i AiN't CoMpLaInIn' AbOuT fInDiN' aNoThEr MoThErFuCkEr WhO fAnCiEs ThE wIcKeD aNd SuBtLe ArTs WhAt'S fOr MaKiN' bRoThErS aNd SiStErS gEt ThEiR cHuCkLe On.
John: sooo... if you didn't call me here to talk about clown stuff or induct me into the circus or something... why did you go to all the trouble of reverse pickpocketing me?
Gamzee: JuSt CoUlDn'T hElP bUt NoTiCe, WhEn YoU dRoPpEd By FoR a CoUpLe TiCkS
Gamzee: YoUr MoSt UnPlEaSaNt SiTuAtIoN, wHiCh I wAs HoPiNg I mIgHt HeLp A bRoThEr OuT wItH.
Gamzee: ThAt'S a PrEtTy NaStY wHaMmY yOu GoT tHeRe, BrOtHeR.
John: *john's eyebrows shoot right up, arching a little bit, and he gets ready to jump down the abyssal stairs if he feels like his cover is blown or... something like that!*
John: oh man! are you talking about the ghosty thing?
John: you're not going to tell the devas about it or something, are you?
Gamzee: HoNk HoNk HoNk HoNk... :oD... HoOoOoOnK.
Gamzee: *He HoNkS oUt A bIg BrAsHrAuCoUs LaUgH wHaT cOmEs OuT lIkE a ClOwN's HoNkS iF tHeY wAs MaDe WiTh LuNgS iNsTeAd Of HoNk HoRnS.*
Gamzee: NaAaAh, DaWg, NaAaAh. My RiGhTeOuS bRoThEr, WhAt HaS tHe CaRnIvAl Of MoCkErS gOtS tO dO wItH aLl GrIm AnD mIrThLeSs StAr GoDs?
Gamzee: NoT a MoThAfUcKiN' tHiNg Is WhAt!
Gamzee: We CoOl WiTh YoU, lIl BiTcH :o)
John: *john is thrown by the sudden bellowing belly laugh, looking around to see that no one in the crowd seems at all bothered by his new acquaintance's rowdiness, but is starting to relax. the big guy's good humor is kind of infectious, even if it is a little hard to ignore the weird way that he seems deadset on saying things.
John: *and even if his weird macabre clown paint and darkly colored get up make him kind of threatening.*
John: *okay, it's probably going to be a little hard to ever relax completely around this guy, but like Rose was saying about her new realm lord friend, they can probably use all the help they can get!*
John: okay, cool. glad to hear you're a friend then, big guy.
John: and uh, it's nice to meet you!
John: what's your name, anyway?
Gamzee: I'lL gIvE yOu MiNe, If YoU tElL mE wHaT's YoUrS :o)
John: fair enough.
John: i'm john.
Gamzee: YoU cAn CaLl Me GaMzEe
Gamzee: NeW fRiEnD :o)
Gamzee: *He OfFeRs HiS fIsT fOr A bRo BuMp.*
John: *still unfamiliar with all the customs of this strange new world, he takes a second to bump back.* it is nice to meet you then, gamzee.
John: hehe. you're a pretty crazy guy so far.
Gamzee: LeT's Go FoR a WaLk, JoHn, My DuDe.